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June 2024

Founder's Day Recap

You can watch a quick video recap of the Founder's Day event put together by Bruce Ladson, our Global Ministries Assistant.

A word from Howard Merrell

- Co-Director for USA & Territories

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!”

Israelites sang this as they made their way to Jerusalem to worship. (Psalm 133) David treasured unity because he’d seen so much conflict. Wars, hiding from Saul, and a rebellion led by his own son are but a few examples. David could sing with conviction, “Too long has my soul had its dwelling with those who hate peace [shalom].” (Psalm 120:6, another song of ascent). Not only for Old Testament worshipers but in missions: Unity is good. A lack of shalom is bad.

How can we help build a unified relationship with the missionaries we partner with? Let’s focus on one essential for building unity—TRUST.

• Trust grows in the soil of honest, loving communication.
Missionaries must communicate, but “What can we supporters do from our end to foster unity-building trust?” Communicate back. Even an emoji sent back tells a missionary, “I’m not alone.” Don’t just pray for the missionary you support; let them pray for you. This builds trust, unity, and a more significant impact for the Lord.

• Trusting another human always involves risk.
A lack of trust will lead to disunity and failure. One end of trust is trust-worthiness. The other is the willingness to trust. Trust is an act of the will, grounded on reason. If one waits for absolute surety, trust will never happen. Paul trusted Timothy despite his timidity. Peter trusted Paul even though he found him hard to understand (2 Peter 3:16). Barnabas trusted John Mark, even though he had failed, and Paul eventually came around. Supremely, Christ trusted people He knew would fail! In today’s skeptical world, we are too reluctant to trust. Let’s change that among God’s people.

• Trust is enhanced by focusing on R.O.O. rather than R.O.I.
You recognize Return On Investment, but what is R.O.O.? OK, I just made it up - Record Of Obedience. Missions should operate in a business-like manner, but missions is bigger than that. Paul told his disciple Timothy to be faithful “in season or out of season.” (2 Timothy 4:2). Wouldn’t that imply a need for Paul to trust Timothy, even in hard times? A faithful missionary once told me, “Some are harvesting, some are planting, but we’re still moving rocks.” Those demanding a good-looking R.O.I. aren’t interested in this kind of ministry. Faithful missionary partners extend trust, create unity, and will eventually share in the reward.

Let’s work together in unity and trust.

Celebrating Hudson Taylor’s Legacy

Founder’s Day Event Recap

Despite the rainy weather, our Founder's Day Weekend on May 17-19 was a joyful and memorable celebration of Hudson Taylor's legacy, which continues to inspire our mission at Liebenzell USA.

Friends, families, and community members gathered on Schooley's Mountain to honor our founder and enjoy a weekend brimming with joy, fun, and faith. The rain didn't dampen our spirits as we kicked off the weekend with a plethora of games and activities. Children and adults alike reveled in archery, crafting, and other family-friendly games. Food was a central part of our celebration, with classic grilled burgers and hotdogs. The ice cream truck and cake were particular highlights, adding a sweet touch to the event. The gift vendor's offerings of Hudson Taylor shirts, mugs, and more were a hit with the attendees, adding to the festive atmosphere.

A special thank you goes out to our LMUSA missionary speakers, Howard Merrell and George Hege, whose inspiring words and stories resonated deeply with everyone present. Their dedication to the mission and Hudson Taylor's legacy were evident in their heartfelt messages. We are incredibly grateful to everyone who joined us in celebrating this special weekend. Your presence and participation made the event truly special, and we are thankful for the sense of community and shared purpose that was evident throughout the weekend.

Reflecting on the weekend, a quote from Hudson Taylor perfectly encapsulates the spirit of our celebration:

"God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supplies."

Thank you again for being part of this beautiful celebration. We look forward to many more events where we can come together, celebrate our mission, and continue Hudson Taylor's legacy.

With heartfelt gratitude,

The Liebenzell USA Team

Spain Summer Interns 2024

Liebenzell USA’s GIA opportunity

Our LMUSA Summer Interns Have Arrived in Spain! 

We are excited to share that our LMUSA summer interns have safely arrived in Spain and are already making a significant impact. This past week, the team spent their day working at Puentes, a remarkable thrift store ministry operated by CCVA Church.  Puentes is more than just a thrift store; it serves as a community outreach center providing crucial support to refugees and migrant families. The center offers Spanish, English, and math classes, helping individuals and families integrate into their new environment and thrive.

Later in the day, one of our dedicated interns, Riley Cooper, had the wonderful opportunity to share her testimony with a youth group in Sevilla. We pray that Riley’s story of faith and resilience moves the hearts of those present and that the gospel seeds planted grow to salvation in Christ!

We are immensely proud of our interns and their meaningful work for the Lord. Please keep them in your prayers as they continue their education and mission in Spain. Stay tuned for more updates on their journey!
Bruce Ladson

New LMUSA Missionaries

Marites (Tess) Ngiraiwet

- Serving in the Philippines

The first mission organization I joined was Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF); a faith-based mission organization with a threefold purpose:

1. To evangelize the children with the Word of God. 
2. Disciple children for Christian growth.
3. Channel children to Bible-believing Churches. 

I volunteered with CEF in 1998, and in 2000, I started working full-time in Children’s ministry. In 2006, my friend invited me to visit Palau, where I met Pastor Hiob Ngirachemoi and his wife Leah, who was one of my colleagues in CEF. The couple encouraged me to work with them in Palau Evangelical Church’s mission office so I applied as a volunteer staff member. That is where I met the Stinnettes, and they conducted training and discipleship that led me to disciple other women in Palau.

Serving in the Philippines

On July 01, 2022, I returned home to the Philippines, knowing this was the Lord’s leading. I decided to join Ms. Ethel Laco, who desired to reach out to the people in her hometown on the Catanduanes Island of the Philippines. My original plan was to support Ms. Ethel for the short term, but God guided me and called me to this ministry.

We work in children’s ministry, which includes Good News Clubs every Saturday, and values education in local schools for kindergartners through 6th graders on Wednesdays. We also provide one-on-one discipleship for women three days a week and conduct training for Sunday school teachers and volunteers in outreach programs and party clubs.

I joined Liebenzell USA in 2024, and it’s a privilege to continue sharing the gospel in our ministry in the Philippines with the support of Liebenzell USA.


Marites C. Ngiraiwet

Leotilia Ethel O. Laco

- Serving in the Philippines

My first missionary field was Palau, where I served from 1996 to 2001 at the Emmaus-Bethania High School (EBHS), which is part of the Palau Evangelical Church. Liebenzell Mission Germany originally founded EBHS.

Next, I moved to Guam and worked at Pacific Islands Bible College, which has been renamed Pacific Islands University (PIU). From 2003 to 2008, I served as a Business Manager, Registrar, and Dean of Women. At PIU, I met and worked with many Liebenzell missionaries. I also took the opportunity to study, taking a Bachelor of Arts in Theology.

Between 2008 and 2022, I spent blocks of time at home in the Philippines, where I helped build a place of worship in my hometown. In Guam, I taught children through Good News Clubs and Sunday School. In Palau, I taught Bible and Social Studies at EBHS. During this time in Palau, 

Pastor Steve and Anne Stinnette trained me to do discipleship, and I was able to disciple students of EBHS. I also met another Filipino, 

Marites (Tess) Ngiraiwet, and we served together in prayer breakfasts, in discipling the EBHS students and ministering to Filipinos living in Palau.

Serving in the Philippines

In June 2022, I felt a strong urge from God to return to the Philippines and share Christ’s gospel of salvation with my people. Marites (Tess) Ngiraiwet joined me shortly afterward. We provide Good News Clubs, Sunday school teacher training, house-to-house evangelism, prayer meetings, and teaching for K-6th graders in a local school. We also host Bible studies and one-on-one discipleship and even started a worship service every Sunday. Our goal is to plant a church here

Please pray with us, as most people here are very religious but don’t know the saving gospel of Jesus Christ. Many are afraid to be buried outside of catholic cemeteries or of being different from the cultural norm. But we believe that with God nothing is impossible!


Leotilia Ethel O. Laco

Blessings! Segen!
¡Bendiciones! Áldás!
Välsignelser! 祝福!

With joy & love,

Your Liebenzell USA Family



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